Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Cheese cake in Germany is excellent!

May 26, 2010

Well, I have a sunburned back. We went to the pool again yesterday afternoon and my mom still hasn’t bought sunscreen yet. So, Katie and I both got burned.

I got ahead on math yesterday so I can work on my animal project today. Our internet is so slow, it will take awhile. All the websites come up in German first and then we have to search for English.

Katie and Dad enjoying wine and cake.

We’ve been seeing these fantastic desserts at every bäkerei and restaurant we go to. So finally, we went to a gasthaus here in our village and ordered cheesecake. It was excellent just like I expected. We sat outside about 9 o’clock in the evening and talked. My mom and dad had wine instead of dessert.

Outdoor patio at the gasthaus.

We’ve been playing a lot of games and cards after dinner. Sometimes I check the German TV and I see cartoons, some of the same ones that are shown in America, only they are in German. My mom and dad can watch CNN in English.

Last night we ate dinner outside on our patio. Our house is a townhouse connected to other houses. Most of the houses here are like that. It has four stories including the basement, but it’s narrow so each floor only has two or three rooms. The top floor has a balcony.

Our laundry is different. No one has a dryer so my mom has to hang up all the clothes, towels and sheets. When it’s sunny she hangs them outside and they dry fast. When it is rainy, she hangs them in the basement and sometimes the sheets and towels and my big hooded sweatshirts take three days to dry.

I will take photos of our house and the pool and post them later.


  1. Sasha, the next time you go to the bäckerei you should try to get a piece of schwarzwälder kirschtorte! You will love it!!!

  2. Let's get one while you are visiting next weekend!

  3. RedBaron is right about the schwarzwaelder. Don't miss it.
    Speaking of eating, those snails you were playing with--schnecken. Enjoy them in garlic butter.
    your blog is great but it makes me wish I were there. the photos are keepers--your mom is doing a fine job of that. afraid I would weigh about 400 kg in a month if I got back to the bierstuebe and bakeries.

  4. Yum..... Are you learning to speak German?
    Let me know if you ever eat any snails.
