Everywhere I see people of every age out walking.
Biking is a joy here. There are trails everywhere and it looks like a picture book. It is so green and the farm houses are so neat and pretty. Almost all the farms have dairy cows, but there are horse farms, goats, sheep and everyone seems to have chickens. The fields have hay, wheat, occasionally corn and lots of barley. Now I know where all that great beer comes from.
Most barns are well over a hundred years old and are connected right to the farmhouse. And all of them have their south-facing roof covered with solar panels. It a curious contrast to see these antique barns with such a modern presence. It is also very refreshing!
See the solar panels above the white part of the barn?
All over the coutryside are little chapels or crucifixes. It is very Catholic here close to the Swiss and French border. Often, the chapels have two or three rows of pews, but sometimes they seem more like mauselaums attached to a farm. The crucifixes are everywhere, seemingly random.
Crucifix near the road in front of an old farmhouse.
Beautiful photos, Sue. What a neat place!